Monday, June 20, 2005


So let us talk about experiments. After the thesis defense of Miguel, I just know my comments during the jury and the questions I asked will be twisted into something not even close to what I really think and feel. So: Let's us be critical of our own work and discuss experimental results on for example coherence resonance; in all honesty and openly, without hidden agendas (really). In any case: good talk, Miguel, and some fascinating results. Have a great party: you deserve it.

I will fire the first shot: was coherence resonance really seen during the experiments ? I would argue no because
a) the sigma/ statistics were not taken over the entire time trace (up to the mode hopping timescale, 10 microseconds). Taking it over 70-90 ns, the maximum value of the indicator is 20/70.
b) there was never any timescale matching (the CR was much too close to zero noise, where we see that the timescales are vastly different)
c) the position of the resonance is determined by a 300 ps shift in the average and a 100 ps widening - if you compare this to the numerical results of Krassimir, where additionally you can see the JRTD narrowing to one peak only, there is a clear difference.

P.S. And next time any non-native speaker wishes his/her text proofread: ask us !!! I mean it.


At 6/21/2005 02:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see some new members contributing to the blog! ;)

Well, this blog was intended to be used for things non-work related, but I consider this post to fit quite well here as it is more a personal thing rather than just a mere comment. I will however keep myself apart from this small experimental polemic, I'm not related to it at all.

Anyway, about the 'experimental' blog thing, we are just testing if TONA people is really interested in writing in here and forming a kind of community around the department, so if people goes on writing here, I think it would be a good idea to write an email to everyone@tona so anyone can join us :)


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