Wednesday, August 30, 2006

More on BibTex: Google Scholar

Google Scholar Help:

"How can I add the full citation of a result on Google Scholar to my bibliography manager?

Just visit the Scholar Preferences page and select your preferred citation format in the 'Bibliography Manager' section. We currently support RefWorks, RefMan, EndNote, and BibTeX. Once you've saved your preferences, you can import a citation by clicking on the appropriate link in your Google Scholar search results."

P.S. Don't miss the "Related articles" feature. According to Ingo, it is excellent ;)


At 8/30/2006 07:29:00 PM, Blogger ingo said...

Thanks Miki, Google Scholar has really improved, though it certainly does not replace WOS and Scopus yet. But the related article link (which only shows up in english language) is indeed excellent.


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