Open source games
This thursday will be the SPIE student evening and we will have some drinks all together. It was proposed to play some karaoke games on Playstation 2 (SingStar) but we want to broaden our gaming options, and play guitar and dance appart from just singing. So here I post a compilation of great open source games I hope we will be using (and you can download right now for training ;P)
Frets on Fire: Great game for playing the guitar like a rock star. The only difference is that you don't play a guitar but a keyboard. Strange, uh?

StepMania: Based on the popular dancing game Dance Dance Revolution (DDR), you will need a dancing pad/carpet for it. I can asure you that after playing this you will be sweating!

UltraStar: Open-source version of the PS2 SingStar game that we will be using, also very nice and with lots of songs.
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