Monday, June 20, 2005

Sweat baby sweat … and the Munich experience

So: summer is approaching fast and we need to get in shape. I know for a fact that Guy VDS and Ingo F are already working on their squash skillz. Any other squashers @ TONA ? Anyone interesting in running a few miles during noon at a _very_ relaxed pace ?

I know: this is a blog, not a e-invite/social network/mailing list type, but nonetheless: no-one else seems to be using it and it might just work to increase the cohesion within TONA. I'll give it a try.

Anyways, how about that CLEO/EQEC conference heh ? Big this year, and they even had a conference dinner (ho ho ho, Beergarten ahoy!). Really nice talks by e.g. MC Soriano and the Guy from next door - and even the poster sessions were excellent. Yes, that's true. The poster sessions were heavily attended and there was genuine interest. I wish it could always be like that. The highlights as far as I was concerned were the talks on really high Q microcavities (1E9 !). As opposed to 2 years ago, when the pickings were rather less juicy, and some time was spent in the park, swimming, discussing really important research topics like where to eat that evening, … ok this sentence is getting a bit long … so, as opposed to 2 years ago, there was little or no free time (the crowd goes oooooooh, poor boy).

[Note to self: write a summary for the blog, or better yet: convince someone else to do so :-) ]


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