Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Manage your references

For all of you who want to have all your references organized in a clear way, I recommend you JabRef. It is a java program (this means it works on any platform: windows, linux, mac) that allows you to:
- classify your bibliographic references (BibTex) in groups
- associate them to pdf files you may have on your hard drive
- laaunch the default pdf viewer from there
- link them to webpages or Citeseer references
- search on them
- export all of them to a html file
- etc...

Very useful for later integration with your paper writing or documentation research.


At 2/01/2006 11:27:00 PM, Blogger ingo said...

Thanks, Goto. I have been using JabRef for 1.5 years now and can only support what you say. It's the best free reference management software out there. A must have! Best thing is that you can directly import your search results from WOS (including Abstract) into BiBTeX format.


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