Friday, September 01, 2006

Funny publications

Looking in the ISI web of knowledge you can always find interesting publications like:
- Journal of resuscitation (sure...)
- Investigational new drugs (always funny)
- Mrs. Internet Journal of Nitride semiconductor research (nice to meet you)
- Yeast (for beer lovers)
- Extremophiles (these guys like extremes a lot!)
- Positivity (only happy papers with nice results accepted)
- Rocky mountain journal of mathematics (wtf?)
- Minds and machines (scary...)
- Endeavour (yes, but for what?)
- Photonics spectra (the worst rated photonics-related journal IF=0.02)
- Zhurnal Nevrologii I Psikhiatrii imeni S S Korsakova (the worst rated journal 2005, congratulations!)


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