Monday, June 20, 2005


On stuff not related to work: in my spare time, I try and make some pictures that are suitable to use as a desktop background. This is one of them, but more can be found at flickr.

Have you pronounced this in Dutch, and noticed what it sounds like ?! Maybe I should put it as a "Flemish of the day" entry.


At 6/21/2005 03:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to have new wallpapers around. But perhaps it happens to you taht you have a vast amount of really amazing wallpapers and you always use the same one (or at least one every month or so...). So if you want to add some variety in your (windows, sigh...) desktop, I recommend you two little programs, both of them Wallpaper changers (and both of them with dutch versions!)


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