Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Advances in cancer treatment by physics

Wow, sometimes is amazing how can you discover things you don't expect. Recently, there was a big impact in the medical world about a study of a spanish research team trying to understand how cancer grows and how it deals with our immunological system.

Well, apparently, it follows a fractal way of growth, that's what Antonio Brú, a physician, discovered after applying the expansion models of water in earth to the expansion of tumoral cells in our body. He was interested in cancer after the death of his sister from this illness, and he began his research by his own with no help from the goverment or any kind of institution...

Here you have a link to an 2004 article speaking about this. I could find the english version of this, but recently this research team treated a terminal cancer patient with their self-healing techniques, and it worked! What a promising future ;)

Friday, May 27, 2005

New Google Print. Google = Library?

Google has just released a new product to the world. It is still beta but it's called Google print. As they say:

"Google's mission is to organize the world's information, but much of that information isn't yet on-line. Google Print aims to get it there by putting book content where you can find it most easily – right in your Google search results."

They are trying to index and maintain a copy of many of the books you can find a normal library. Amazing indeed! What do you think about this new Google's trend?

More information about the proyect in About Google Print

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Star Wars

Star Wars III is a great movie without any doubt.
Do you want to have it in our Multimedia room?

Monday, May 23, 2005

Hello world!

This is the first post of the blog, I hope it will help us to keep a closer contact among us, in this bunch of physicists and geeks we call our department ;-)

If you want to post something, add links or functionalities, don't hesitate and just blog it! Mail me or contact me in the lab and I will give you access or I can also create a personal account for you.