Tuesday, June 21, 2005

PDF Explorer

Well, I guess most of us have thousands of PDF articles and papers saved in our hard drives. At least, I do. And I was wondering if there is any utility I can use to browse in them, extract automatically title, author and other attibutes and classify them in any kind of manner. I know the last version of Acrobat PDF has something like that, but I'm not in the paying mood, and also I didn't want to manually introduce all the data to any collection-manager program/database, so I searched a bit the web and this is what I found (windows only, sorry...)


It lacks a lot of things still, and some help files would be nice also, but is a first approach to the problem. I mailed the author to contribute in the development of the program, but as it is not open-source, he only told me about designing the icons and translating it to spanish (I was doing this last one). If you have the same need, you can try it and even help to the community by transalting to dutch/french/whatever you know ;)


At 6/22/2005 12:23:00 PM, Blogger multiplex said...

Hey, or you can just use Mac OS X... Spotlight does just this.

At 6/22/2005 07:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, I checked it and it seems really nice.

You can also try Google desktop, but it's not what I want, because I don't need only searching files, but also classifying them and searching in the contents, authors or tags. And also it needs 1GB free space for the installation, that's crazy...


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