More on BibTex: Google Scholar
Google Scholar Help:
"How can I add the full citation of a result on Google Scholar to my bibliography manager?
Just visit the
Scholar Preferences page and select your preferred citation format in the 'Bibliography Manager' section. We currently support RefWorks, RefMan, EndNote, and BibTeX. Once you've saved your preferences, you can import a citation by clicking on the appropriate link in your Google Scholar search results."
P.S. Don't miss the "Related articles" feature. According to Ingo, it is excellent ;)
BibConverter - A tool for converting citations from IEEEXplore and WebofScience to BibTeX format
BibConverter is a simple web application for direct conversion of data from online bibliographic databases to the BibTeX format. It extracts data from text copied directly from the web page and outputs BibTeX records that contains much more information than citations exported using the export functionality provided by the bibliographic services. BibConverter currently supports conversion of data from
Engineering Village 2 and
ISI Web of Science.
We lost a planet
today, our solar system has lost a planet. On the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in Prague it has been decided that a planet is an object that exhibits a close-circular orbit around the sun and has enough mass to be almost spherical by gravity (hydrostatic equilibrium). In addition it must have cleared its neighborhood from other cosmic material. This does not apply to Pluto who is within the Kuiper belt. He is now classified as dwarf planet (together with a few more objects). It means that officially the solar system has now only 8 planets. What becomes now of all the nice memorizing sentences??
Lab on a chip
triggered by Mikis nice post I add
here a link to a recent Nature Insight section with fascinating articles on the topic "lab on a chip" , giving also a nice overview over the potential of this field (optics certainly included).
Physics Formulary
Physics Formulary: Table of Contents"This document is a
LaTeX file of 108 pages which contains a lot of equations in physics. It is written at advanced undergraduate/postgraduate level. It is intended to be a short reference for anyone who works with physics and often needs to look up equations."
Optical Breakthrough Makes “Lab-on-a-Chip” Possible
Georgia Institute of Technology: Optical Breakthrough Makes “Lab-on-a-Chip” Possible.
Georgia Tech researchers have found a way to shrink all the sensing power of sophisticated biosensors — such as sensors that can detect trace amounts of a chemical in a water supply or a substance in your blood — onto a single microchip."
The elegant universe
Another page with nice videos on physics, this time on
string theory
Quantum Mechanics made relatively simple
In 1999, legendary theoretical physicist Hans Bethe at age 93 delivered three lectures on quantum theory to his neighbors at the Kendal of Ithaca retirement community (near Cornell University). At this link the
lectures are presented as QuickTime videos synchronized with slides of his talking points and archival material.
Some changes going on...
Ok guys, these days there have been some discussions about what to do with the TONA blog. As far as I know, only four people are writing here, and I guess the four of us are reading our own posts, which I think it's great, but I would like to see some more input from the people of TONA, because that was the original purpose of the blog when I first created it. I wanted it to be used as a tool to communicate and shared things that might be useful or funny to all of us, and this way keep people connected and not isolated 8h a day, week after week, in their own labs or offices.
Now, the possibility of using the blog also as a platform for the just created SPIE student chapter in Brussels, group that is only composed by students of the TONA department, made me believe that it would be a good idea to merge both concepts and this way have more activity online.
But apparently, there are some concerns, as TONA and SPIE are not the same thing and mixing them might not be appropiate. So please, I ask for your comments on this post relating this issue. Setting up a new blog for SPIE won't take too much effort, so that wouldn't be a problem, but having two blogs and without enough input in both of them would be a waste of time. Think about it, I'm just the guy who registered the blog but in no way I'm the full responsible of it. Cheers! :)