Friday, September 08, 2006


So, I am leaving for Alcatel. Just in case you hadn't heard :-). I had thought of documenting the move here, but it is not the correct place for such things. Instead I propose ALCAIC. Hope you enjoy it. I sure enjoyed my time at TONA!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Science or Science-fiction?

The universe out of a monopole in the laboratory? [PDF]

Monday, September 04, 2006

Photonic fashion

Lumalive, made by Philips and ready for commercialization. From the article:

"The light emitting textiles can carry dynamic messages, graphics or multicolored surfaces. Fabrics such as drapes, cushions or sofa coverings become active when they illuminate in order to enhance the observer's mood and positively influence his/her behavior."

Friday, September 01, 2006

Funny publications

Looking in the ISI web of knowledge you can always find interesting publications like:
- Journal of resuscitation (sure...)
- Investigational new drugs (always funny)
- Mrs. Internet Journal of Nitride semiconductor research (nice to meet you)
- Yeast (for beer lovers)
- Extremophiles (these guys like extremes a lot!)
- Positivity (only happy papers with nice results accepted)
- Rocky mountain journal of mathematics (wtf?)
- Minds and machines (scary...)
- Endeavour (yes, but for what?)
- Photonics spectra (the worst rated photonics-related journal IF=0.02)
- Zhurnal Nevrologii I Psikhiatrii imeni S S Korsakova (the worst rated journal 2005, congratulations!)

The stinky iPod terrorist attack

Hilarious story about a guy who accidentally dropped his iPod on the toilet of an airplane in the middle of a flight to Canada and made the crew to emergency land the plane on Otawa and call the counter terrorist unit.

Please, don't miss the questions the police posed about the girl he was going to meet from the World of Warcraft online game...

"So you and Cara are friends?"
"How long have you known her?"
"About 5 months I think? Maybe less."
"Do you have a romantic relationship with Cara?"
"Do you want a romantic relationship with Cara?"
"OK, so ... if you and Cara were drunk together, and she turned to you and said, 'Tim, let's go...'" this relevant?